PCMCIA CardBus driver hangs

Started by tonewheel, December 07, 2015, 00:33:33 AM

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I'm trying the PCMCIA CardBus driver to boot from cardbus USB on my old thinkpad x40. The USB ports no longer work on it so I have a cardbus with 2 ports that works from a booted OS.

When booting to this version of plop however, it hangs with the message: "found PCI CardBus Bridge".

The online instructions make it clear that: "My CardBus driver works on many machines, but it does not work on all." However, I thought I'd check first in case there is any solution to the problem. Many thanks,



when you want to boot Linux, then you can use PlopKexec. In any other case, you have to wait until I have time to update the Plop Boot Manager.

Best regards
