Best boot method: Option rom vs PXE Rom?

Started by davidm71, March 25, 2018, 21:17:16 PM

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Was wondering what you guys think is the best boot method for Plop: option rom loading vs pxe rom booting? My motherboard supports both modes. I suppose Option Rom booting would take less space in rom memory however lan booting mode offers more control as far as turning it off? Also how do you know if Plop be last rom to load as have important rom modules required for operating system..

Thank you.


Also having an issue with configuring the option rom I created with the GUI configuration tool in that it reports an error when I try to save the configuration.

So let me explain the steps I have taken to try to build a LAN bootable ROM file:

1. plpbtrom.exe -nodisable -vendorid 0x10ec -deviceid 0x8168 -forceINT  plp.bin plpbtrom.rom plpbt.bin
2. Qemu -option-rom plpbt.bin ( to check if it worked )
3. plpcfgbtGui.exe -> Not Work!

Assume the cfg editor is not compatible with the plpbtrom file.
