couple of issues with Avast and F-Prot

Started by Thiassi, April 07, 2010, 18:09:24 PM

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1. Avast:

I've been noticing some oddities with Avast.

If I do a virus definition update via the Avast GUI it gets to  100% and then errors with:

avast! engine failed to reinitialize after database upgrade.

The application has been terminated.

I ignored this initially and copied the "400.vps" file into the "pluspacks" folder anyway.

After a reboot, and checked to see that it had picked up the new definition file from the server (it had), if I try to run the "avastgui" again I get the (windowed) error:

An error occurred in avast! engine: Invalid argument

If I try to run "./avast" from "/tmp/avast4workstation/bin" I get the same error as above but, obviously, within the terminal.

The "solution" is to delete the "400.vps" from root directory and then everything runs fine but, obviously, with out-of-date definitions.

so it looks like corruption to the updated file.

Any idea's or has any seen this before?

2. F-Prot.

I cannot for the life of me find a manual update for F-Prot on their site.

The "fpupdate" doesn't work within Plop as it keeps erroring with "Error: ran out of memory".

I'll keep testing this one...


Ok, I've managed to get 2fpupdate" to work once in about 10 attempts but at least it got me the updated def file.


the paths has been changed extremely in the archive. i  have to update the script.

it works (but i have to add it to the path again). i think you run out of ram. gnome itself need much ram. the virus definition file is downloaded to the ram

best regards


Quote from: Elmar on April 07, 2010, 19:28:43 PM
the paths has been changed extremely in the archive. i  have to update the script.

it works (but i have to add it to the path again). i think you run out of ram. gnome itself need much ram. the virus definition file is downloaded to the ram

best regards

Are there limitations to the amount of RAM that is accessed by Plop? I'm using a Dell machine with 1gb of RAM so it should be more than enough if it's able to use all of it.


the limitations are the same like for every other operating system depending on the processor (32 or 64bit)

you can see how much ram is free in megabytes with "free -m", but 1 gig should be enough


the avast problem is not a PLoP Linux bug
see here
it exists since one week

to fix it add to the

sysctl -w kernel.shmmax=100000000

