X video modes (StartX Command options)

Started by murraykj709, August 19, 2010, 20:39:29 PM

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I was wondering if there are any specific command line options that can be passed to the Xserver through startx.

BTW> booting from CD only, and will use as Diskless system (Browser) (Read only file system from CD) and also a USB Boot...

USB Booting and all other video modes options work, Except the Monitor looses Sync when StartX command is given..

(System is Older Dell Optiplex P3 1Ghz Phoenix Bios)

Monitor is a HP, it should handle 1024x768 or 800x600..
I have seen situations such as this before with other distros and it was just a simple issue to pass a command line option.. eg force Vesa..

There is video output from the graphics adapter, just the sync is flying.

The machine was running a program from the HDD, as a small dedicated application on my network (Windows XP), however the Drive has had a lot of run time, and thus crashed... I could replace the drive however, I might just run it all off a stick as it is a small program. (my Fish Tank Computer...)(just needs to run Adobe FME and some other drivers for a video Capture device which are just simple windows programs..)

but I would like to also be able to use the Linux desktop booting, so that I can just use the browser instead of having to boot up another system if I want to look up something online with out booting the Windows image, and use that browser, because I want to keep the system clean, and windows crashes with sometimes options like updates and other functions.

This Computer does not have a Bios that supports USB booting, so I am using Plop.



Quote from: murraykj709 on August 19, 2010, 20:39:29 PM
I have seen situations such as this before with other distros and it was just a simple issue to pass a command line option.. eg force Vesa..

i am wondering, how did you pass this parameter? what was the exact command?

Quote from: murraykj709 on August 19, 2010, 20:39:29 PM
There is video output from the graphics adapter, just the sync is flying.

you mean the movie or whatever runns too fast?
