Plop Forum

General Category => Boot Managers => Topic started by: thebandroid on August 25, 2011, 15:02:03 PM

Title: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: thebandroid on August 25, 2011, 15:02:03 PM

I'm trying, as you may have guessed, to install plop to the MBR via windows 7. I have the latest version of plop and have extracted it but when I run InstallToMBR.bat (as Admin) I get the response "Error: plpinstc.bin not found!" however I can verify that that file, as well as every other file specified by InstalltoMBR, is present in the same directory as the .bat file.

Anyone got any ideas on what is wrong?
Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: Elmar on August 25, 2011, 15:07:48 PM
plpinstc.bin is really in the same directory like InstallToMBR.bat? this message comes only when the  batch command "exist" does not find the file.

in the worst case, you can run plpbt4win directly. either with parameters or you use the buitlin command line
Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: thebandroid on August 25, 2011, 23:54:32 PM
Yeah, it's there all right. However when I run InstallToMBR with out clicking 'Run as Admin' it can find the .bin file and tells me C:\plop already exists but it 'can't write to the drive' (which is probably because it doesn't have admin rights.
Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: Elmar on August 26, 2011, 09:20:54 AM
how was c:\plop created?
Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: carnivore on September 11, 2011, 13:56:41 PM
I have the same problem (windows 7 - same messages as described by thebandroid). plpinstc.bin is in the same directory like InstallToMBR.bat.

Also using plpbt4win does not work (after the command "c c:\plop\plpbtwin.ldr" it says "Failed to open file: c:\plop\plpbt.bin").

c:\Plop was created by running InstallToMBR.bat not as admin (when running as admin it says "Error: plpinstc.bin not found!" - see description of ).

What can I do?
Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: Elmar on September 11, 2011, 14:19:10 PM
Quote from: carnivore on September 11, 2011, 13:56:41 PM
I have the same problem (windows 7 - same messages as described by thebandroid). plpinstc.bin is in the same directory like InstallToMBR.bat.

Also using plpbt4win does not work (after the command "c c:\plop\plpbtwin.ldr" it says "Failed to open file: c:\plop\plpbt.bin").

c:\Plop was created by running InstallToMBR.bat not as admin (when running as admin it says "Error: plpinstc.bin not found!" - see description of ).

What can I do?

before i ask more, do you have any unusual windows installation?
Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: carnivore on September 11, 2011, 19:58:39 PM
It is a Vaio Netbook and it was a "normal" installation with vaio recovery, which is on a "hidden" recovery partition...
Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: Elmar on September 11, 2011, 20:02:18 PM
use the plpbt4win built-in command line. activate the debug mode with "d" and run the "c" command. post the output
Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: carnivore on September 11, 2011, 20:11:08 PM
That's the result:

"Command (? for help): d
Debug mode is on

Command (? for help): c c:\plop\plpbt4win.ldr
Checking C:\Windows\System32\compact.exe
uncompressing c:\plop\plpbt.bin
c:\plop\: Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.
xxx 34 c:\plop\plpbt.bin

Clusters for file: c:\plop\plpbt.bin
Failed to open file: c:\plop\plpbt.bin

Command (? for help):"
Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: Elmar on September 11, 2011, 20:21:43 PM
you have to set the bin file to plpinstc.bin fore you run "c"
Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: bomz on September 11, 2011, 20:22:54 PM
may be more convenient install PLoP with grub. grub MBR allow boot grub from any partiton including logical. if your window crash plop still bootable
Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: carnivore on September 11, 2011, 20:38:44 PM
I have  set the bin file to plpinstc.bin fore running "c" - the installation was successful now, everything works fine...

Thank you so much for the fast and great support!!!  ;D
Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: Elmar on September 11, 2011, 20:42:30 PM
is the InstallToMBR batch file now working? if not, then add the parameter /D in the batch file at the bottom call of plpbt4win and post the debug output
Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: carnivore on September 11, 2011, 20:49:56 PM
The boot manager works perfectly now when booting the netbook. Thank you very much...!!!
Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: Elmar on September 11, 2011, 20:58:35 PM
Quote from: carnivore on September 11, 2011, 20:49:56 PM
The boot manager works perfectly now when booting the netbook. Thank you very much...!!!

but i want to fix the plpbt4win bug, so please try the test
Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: carnivore on September 11, 2011, 21:12:38 PM
The InstallToMBR batch file is still not working
("Error: plpinstc.bin not found").

How to add the parameter /D in the batch file at the bottom call of plpbt4win?
Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: carnivore on September 11, 2011, 21:21:54 PM
What should be the concrete command in plpbt4win to get the debug output you mean?
Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: Elmar on September 12, 2011, 09:03:02 AM
Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: carnivore on September 12, 2011, 21:13:50 PM
Sorry, I am not that familia with this - do I have to run plpbt4win and type the whole command ("Input Error") or where should I add or whatever it?
Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: Elmar on September 12, 2011, 21:18:48 PM
you only have to edit installtombr.bat (right click at the file and edit) and add the /D at the end of the line (number 70) like my post above
Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: carnivore on September 12, 2011, 21:31:37 PM
When I start the edited file installtombr.bat as admin it still says "Error: plpinstc.bin not found!"...
Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: Elmar on September 12, 2011, 21:33:46 PM
no debug infos?
Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: carnivore on September 12, 2011, 21:37:50 PM
The edited file looks like this:

"@echo off

rem Written by Elmar Hanlhofer   20110731

echo Plop Boot Manager plpbt4win - Written by Elmar Hanlhofer
echo Tool to add/install the plop boot manager to the windows boot menu

set PLOPDIR=%DRIVE%:\plop
set BIN=plpinstc.bin
set BIN1=%BIN%
set LDR=%PLOPDIR%\plpbt4winmbr.ldr
set PGM=plpbt4win.exe
set ENTRYNAME=Install the Plop Boot Manager to the MBR

rem ========================================================

if exist "%BIN%" goto binfound

set BIN=..\%BIN%
if exist "%BIN%" goto binfound

echo Error: %BIN1% not found!
goto exit


rem ========================================================

if exist "%PGM%" goto pgmfound

echo Error: %PGM% not found!
goto exit


rem ========================================================

if not exist "%PLOPDIR%" goto createplopdir

echo %PLOPDIR% already exist, update the files?
set /p Choice={y,n}
if '%Choice%'=='y' goto createcheckdir

goto exit

mkdir "%PLOPDIR%" 2>nul
if not "%errorlevel%" == "0" goto noadmin

mkdir "%PLOPDIR%\test556832w1" 2>nul
if not "%errorlevel%" == "0" goto noadmin

rmdir "%PLOPDIR%\test556832w1"

rem ========================================================
echo Copy %BIN% to %PLOPDIR%
copy %BIN% %PLOPDIR%\%BIN%

echo Copy %PGM% to %PLOPDIR%
copy %PGM% %PLOPDIR%\%PGM%

echo Creating boot menu entry

if "%errorlevel%" == "0" goto noerror
echo There was an error
goto exit

echo Install completed
goto exit

rem ========================================================


echo Error: you have no admin rights! Use right mouse click on the program and
echo        start it with admin privileges.


After starting as admin I only get the above posted message.

Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: Elmar on September 12, 2011, 21:46:40 PM
i remember, i come to the same conclusion like in a post above. somehow the "exist" batch command does not work.

i hope plpinstc.bin is in the same directory like installtombr.bat, or?

EDIT: remove the 2 " in the line with    if exist "%BIN%" goto binfound
Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: carnivore on September 12, 2011, 21:49:22 PM
Yes, it is ("Windows").
Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: Elmar on September 12, 2011, 22:09:34 PM
remove the 2 " in the line with    if exist "%BIN%" goto binfound
Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: carnivore on September 13, 2011, 06:58:33 AM
There is no 2 in that line (see post above)...
Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: Elmar on September 13, 2011, 08:37:01 AM
Quote from: carnivore on September 13, 2011, 06:58:33 AM
There is no 2 in that line (see post above)...

i copied from the post above. the line under the     rem ====================
Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: carnivore on September 13, 2011, 20:05:21 PM
It still says "Error: plpinstc.bin not found!"...
Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: flyhai on September 14, 2011, 13:10:05 PM

... I have exactly the same problems as describted in treat "Installing to Harddisk using the windows boot menu, plpinstc.bin not found"
(Version 5.0.13)
until item #8 are exactly the same messages
what do you mean in item #9? What is "c" ?? I could not understand this handling.
A copy in item #22 (as "InstallToMBR.bat") won't have effects.
The describted "2" in Item #25 - #27 doesn't exist.
Afterthats i tried to control the script directly with a "goto binfound" (without the exist questionare). I will finished also by errors.

Plop Boot Manager plpbt4win - Written by Elmar Hanlhofer
Tool to add/install the plop boot manager to the windows boot menu
C:\plop already exist, update the files?
Copy plpinstc.bin to C:\plop
        1 Datei(en) kopiert.
Copy plpbt4win.exe to C:\plop
        1 Datei(en) kopiert.

Creating boot menu entry
Tempdir C:\Users\RENEML~1\AppData\Local\Temp
Checking C:\Windows\System32\bcdedit.exe
boot.ini: 0
bcdedit: 1
Checking C:\Windows\System32\compact.exe
uncompressing C:\plop\plpinstc.bin
xxx 2 C:\plop\plpinstc.bin

Clusters for file: C:\plop\plpinstc.bin
VCN: 0 LCN: 2098506 LEN: 10
Error: unable to open drive

There was an error

Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .

What can I do?
How is the right handling for a good and safety installation?
Do you have now a well running version?

Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: Elmar on September 14, 2011, 13:19:26 PM
Quote from: flyhai on September 14, 2011, 13:10:05 PM
The describted "2" in Item #25 - #27 doesn't exist.

its not "2" its 2 ". i was meaning the two " chars
however, the two " are not the problem

meanwhile i think the problem is how some users are starting InstallToMBR.bat. are all of you sure, that you uncompressed the zip file and then you started InstallToMBR.bat from the uncompressed folder? when you start InstallToMBR.bat from inside of the zip file (windows can make it look like a standard folder) then plpinstc.bin cannot be found! maybe i am wrong, but the starting from inside the zip is currently the only explanation that makes sense.

EDIT: what about InstallToBootMenu.bat? does this work or not? i am wondering that no one wants try the boot manager before he install it to the mbr.

Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: flyhai on September 14, 2011, 13:47:24 PM
Yes of course all files are uncompressed. And also started as admin. (Windows vista system)
in one example I copied it also to drive c and started it inside c:\plpbt\Windows\

The script "InstallToBootMenu.bat" delivers also erros:

Version started as admin:

Plop Boot Manager plpbt4win - Written by Elmar Hanlhofer
Tool to add/install the plop boot manager to the windows boot menu

Error: plpbt.bin not found!

Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .

Version started NOT as admin

Plop Boot Manager plpbt4win - Written by Elmar Hanlhofer
Tool to add/install the plop boot manager to the windows boot menu

C:\plop already exist, update the files?
Copy plpbt.bin to C:\plop
        1 Datei(en) kopiert.
Copy plpbt4win.exe to C:\plop
        1 Datei(en) kopiert.

Creating boot menu entry
Error: unable to open drive

There was an error

Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .

Here you can see the path and the stored files.

C:\>cd plpbt\windows

Datenträger in Laufwerk C: ist LW_C - PRG
Volumeseriennummer: 101A-EFFE

Verzeichnis von C:\plpbt\Windows

13.09.2011  13:24    <DIR>          .
13.09.2011  13:24    <DIR>          ..
14.08.2011  15:51               294 1README.html
14.08.2011  11:33             1.906 InstallToBootMenu.bat
14.08.2011  11:33             1.935 InstallToMBR.bat
13.09.2011  12:17             1.943 InstallToMBR1.bat
13.09.2011  13:24             1.956 InstallToMBR2.bat
13.09.2011  10:16            43.319 plpbt.bin
14.08.2011  11:39            54.826 plpbt4win.exe
14.08.2011  14:53            43.207 plpbtrom.bin
14.08.2011  20:24            39.275 plpbtrom.exe
17.04.2011  15:52            36.308 plpcfgbt.exe
30.07.2011  13:12            32.768 plpcfgbtGUI.exe
14.08.2011  14:53            39.650 plpinstc.bin
              12 Datei(en),        297.387 Bytes
               2 Verzeichnis(se), 180.017.451.008 Bytes frei


The requested files are available. It seems that the system doesn't found it!
Any crypt drives doesn't exist on the HD

Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: Elmar on September 14, 2011, 13:53:58 PM
ok, thats a good info

add the line

echo %CD%

at the top of InstallToBootMenu.bat in c:\plop\windows. whats the first few output lines when you start it as admin
Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: flyhai on September 14, 2011, 16:21:39 PM
I found another context. If you start the programms from a explorer (also starting by admin)
you get the troubles ....
If you start the cmd with admin rights and inside the cmd you started the programms manually => then it seems to work. The boot manager will be installed.

By restarting the system the bootmanager rises at first. In the first look it's now fine.

But I have the next trouble with the BM.
Now it may be the wrong forums item.
I have one physical HD with 2 primary  and 1 extended partitions. all formated as NTFS. Inside the extended there are 2 logical drives.
On both primaries are a independend operating system (windows vista business)
Now I select "setup"
=> in the partitions I found 3 (hda1, hda2, hda3) (=> 2 active, 1 extended)  => OK
=> in profiles I use the entry "os harddisk 1"
=> in linked partitions I enter at "HDA" two of the partitions (the both primary partitions with the OS)
=> finished. now I start the profile and want select between this 2 OS

=> by opening the profile 3 itema are available
   "MS Windows Vista"
   "Plop Boot Manager"
   "Install the Plop Boot Manager to the MBR"

by selecting #1 => the standart windows starts
by selecting #2 => anything rises but it could not be shown. extremeyl distorted screen.
the second windows option are not present.

If I change inside the setup => profiles => linked partition the "set boot partition" to the other OS and I restart it, the 2. OS will start. But also without a selecting between the 2 OS

What happened?
How is the right way to configure the settings?
Maybe please give me the right forums item

Thanks in advance   
Title: Re: Installing to Harddisk using the Windows Boot Menu, plpinstc.bin not found!
Post by: Elmar on September 15, 2011, 08:45:01 AM
Quote from: Elmar on September 14, 2011, 13:53:58 PM
add the line

echo %CD%

at the top of InstallToBootMenu.bat in c:\plop\windows. whats the first few output lines when you start it as admin

its always the same, people want a solution, i ask something and i get no answer to my question.

however, i did some tests and i was able to reproduce and fix the problem within a few minutes. when do i release it? i don't know. maybe today.